Below you will find the most asked questions of students regarding their studies. In case you could not find the information you seek, direct your questions to the study advisor (see below) or your study assistant.

Academic calendar

2023/2024Teaching periodexam period
Winter semester18. 9. 2023 – 17. 12. 202218. 12. 2022 – 04.02. 2024
Summer semester19. 2. 2024 – 19. 5. 202420. 5. 2023 – 14. 7. 2024

Introduction to studies for the first year students

Short study and financing guide for the first year students. Please seek the notes section of every slide of the presentation for more information. Question about studies direct to Mrs Katolická, your study referent, Questions about financing to Mrs Kamenická,

Alternatively, you can find all the faculty’s internal regulations at the official noticeboard of the faculty.

We recommend you to frequently check your university email, to read carefully the MENDELU Study and Examination Regulations, course syllabi, documents of every course listed in the Document server and to pay attention to the schedule of the PEF MENDELU academic year.

Study obligations

The minimum successfully obtained credits in the 1st semester is 12. If you have less than that, you can ask for the Request for an exception to be enrolled without 12 ECTS credits, to avoid the termination of your studies (instructions how to fill out the request can be found here).

These 12 credits do not include credits obtained on the basis of another completed part of studies or certificate. Exceptions are subjects recognized from a stay abroad mediated by the faculty.

The minimum number of successfully obtained credits in the sum of two consecutive semesters is 40. If You have less than that, you can ask for the Request for an exception to be enrolled without 40 ECTS credits to the next semester, in order to avoid the termination of your studies (instructions how to fill out the request can be found here).

These credits do not include credits obtained on the basis of another completed part of studies or certificate. Exceptions are subjects recognized from a stay abroad mediated by the faculty.

When you obtain more than 150 credits during your bachelor´s studies and 90 during your master´s studies, then you no longer have to fulfill the obligation.

If a student does not complete a subject in the prescribed manner in a given semester, they must re-enrol. If an enrolled subject was not cancelled, it must be successfully completed.

You can enroll in every subject up to two times. In case you do not finish successfully the subject during the second enrollment, then you can Request to cancel the course(s) from the enrollment (instructions how to fill out the request can be found here). If the request is granted, then one of your enrollments will be cancelled.

Nothing changes the situation that you have to successfully complete every course enrolled.

You can submit the Request for an exception to be enrolled to the 2nd semestr without 12 ECTS credits or the Request for an exception to be enrolled without 40 ECTS credits, to avoid the termination of your studies (instructions how to fill out the request can be found here).

However submitting the request does not automatically mean that it will be granted, therefore do not underestimate the studies.

You are obligated to enroll minimum one subject in each semester. But be aware, that zou still have to obtain the minimum number of credits in order to be enrolled to the next semester, in case this condition applies to you.

For bachelor’s you need 180 credits and for master’s 120. Also you have to fulfill all the requirements of your study plan, to be admitted to the state final exam.

The registrations and enrollments

In the schedule of the academic year. You can find it in the UIS → Student’s portal.

TIP: You are always shown a schedule of the current semester. For changing the semester go to the bottom and change the choice of the period.

The course registration

During the registrations period you show your interest in the courses. The registration is also a “reservation” of the space in the courses which are limited in capacity, therefore never forget to register!

The enrollment

The enrollment period serves for the enrollment to the following semester of the studies. At the same time you choose or enroll courses for the next semester and that’s also how you create your own timetable. You can enroll any course, in which you fulfilll the requirements for the enrollment (the capacity, prerequisites and so on.). Only after the enrollment you gain the right and the obligation to study the course.

During this period you are still able to submit other/more subjects or delete them from the enrollment. After making the e-enrollment you have to confirm every change.

The changes in the enrollment

During the changes of enrollment you are still able to enrol other courses or cancel them. The difference in comparison to the enrollment period is that you are already enrolled to the next semester and you are only doing changes in already enrolled courses or in your timetable.

Yes, you can. However if you do not fulfill it’s prerequisites or other conditions, in the period of the enrollment, then you will not be able to do so. You will have to ask the guarantor of the course about granting an exception in the enrollment application at UIS.

They are a predetermined number of credits for the entire studies, for which you can register the courses. The default number is 216 (144 on the follow-up mater’s).

The purpose of coupons is to limit number of courses a student can enroll to during the semester. This limitation is intended to refine the planning of lessons and timetables for the next term.

The number of you registration coupons is going to get lower only during the registration of courses or when the course is recognized on the basis of another completed part of the study or certificate.

During the enrollment or during registration of the re-taken course the number of coupons stays the same.

Yes, they can. However only in the case of permanently cancelled course, for e.g. there are just a few students in the Required Course and based on the notification of the vice dean for educational activities

Do not worry, you can submit the Request to increase the number of registration vouchers (instruction how to fill the form out can be found here).

Yes, for every studies you have a new series of coupons. The moment you enroll to following study program, you get a new series of registration coupons.

Yes, you can. But only in the case when the course is listed in consultation form and you fulfilll the requirements for the enrollment in the consultation form.

If You are re-taking the course and you gained so called preliminary credit and in the case of having the course listed in the consultation form, then you can enroll it and anytime during the semester you can sign up for the listed exam. The consultation form of enrollment does not have listed lectures nor seminars. The teaching takes place only in the form of consultations after the agreement with the guarantor.

The order in the registrations for compulsory subjects is determined alphabetically. For subjects that are not automatically registered for you, as the compulsory do, the order is determined according to how many subjects you have enrolled in, so do not delay the registration.

The time of enrollment is determined by following function:

-30*p + k + 20*e + n

p – the study average for the whole studies

k – the number of so far obtained credits

e – benefits for students who complete at least 75 % of the course evaluation, they have value of e = 1, the rest has e = 0

n – favouring the subsequent degree of study

During registrations it is alright, you will still be able register the course.

If you will not fit into the capacity during the enrollment at a compulsory subject, but you registered this course, then probably it’s a systematic error. In this case we recommend submitting an application, which will appear for the given subject in UIS → Student’s portal → Registration, enrollment and changes after the enrollment in the Subject Enrollment sheet. The application goes directly to the guarantor of the subject, who will solve the discrepancy. In case you did not have the course registered – for e.g. you are re-taking it – then you do not have automatically entitlement for the capacity in the course, therefore do not underestimate the registrations.

There can be several reasons for this situation. They are always written in red in the UIS -> Student’s portal -> Registration, enrollment and changes in the enrolment.

  1. Either You did not fulfill the conditions for the enrollment to the next semester.
  1. Or You do not meet the conditions for enrolling in the course (prerequisite, capacity).
  • Capacity– You either have the possibility to submit a request to the course guarantor for increasing the capacity – You can find the request in UIS → Student’s portal → registration, enrollment, and changes after enrollment in the Subject Enrollment sheet. Or you can monitor if the capacity is freed up by your classmates taking the given subject. Wait until the end of the registration period at the longest.
  • Prerequisite – You have the option to submit a request to the course guarantor for an increase in the course capacity or the option to study the course without fulfilling the prerequisite – You can find the request in UIS → Student’s portal → registration, enrollment, and changes after enrollment in the Subject Enrollment sheet.

Optional subjects (sports, clubs, languages, etc.)

You are enrolling sports activities the same way as you do with any other course. You have to register the chosen sport, either during the registration period (recommended due to the capacity) or during the enrollment period.

Sport activities are rated 0 credits. For each of your studies you can get 1 credit once for a sports activity, if you also enroll in a subject called “Sport-credit” along with the sports activity. This course is only available during the registration period.

In UIS → Public information portal → Courses catalogue → courses according to the workplace and there choose Centre of sports activities.

The clubs are optional courses full of discussions, new information, areas of interest, but they are mainly about supporting and developing one’s own thinking and interests.

In UIS → Public information portal → courses catalogue put „club“

State exams

You can find the manual to the State exams on the document server -> Faculty of Business and Economics (PEF) → “Dokumenty pro studenty” → manuals.

You will be assigned the date as well as the commission minimum one week before the State exams period. You will find it in printed version on the noticeboard at the Dean’s office of Faculty of Business and Economics (PEF) or in the UIS → Student’s portal

On your state exams date you are not alone, you will be a group of students who usually have the same courses for state exams and have the same commission. The order of the examination during the state exams is given by the list of students. The examination most often begins en masse in the examination room by getting acquainted with the course of the entire state examinations.

  • In case of some limitations of the state exam due to the epidemiological situation, the opening ceremony does not take place, therefore if you are the last one on the list, then you do not have to be present right from the start of the exam, but one never knows when it will go faster or slower.
  • When it’s your turn, you will start with the defense of your Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis, which consists of following parts – the introduction performance of the student with a presentation, presentation of assessments, student’s reaction (defense) and discussion. Subsequently, the second part of the sate exam will take place – a professional debate. For each subject, you will be selected on of the thematic units, which is usually closest to the topic of your Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis, and the committee will ask you questions related to the Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis. But it is not a rule, therefore do not miss any part of the thematic units.

The average time of the whole examination of one student is around 30 – 45 min, but do not be surprised if it could be even one hour. It really depends on the length of your defense, the number of questions from the committee and how clearly and convincingly you answer during the examination.

The results will be announced after everyone from your groups has finished with the examination at the mass announcement.

  • In case of some limitations of the state exams due to the epidemiological situation, the state exam committee will consult briefly and exceptionally will tell you the results right away, so that you do not have to stay in the faculty area for an unnecessarily long time.

In UIS → Student’s portal → The application to the state exams → Details on the subjects of the state exam resulting from Your study plan. Or also in UIS → Student’s portal → Plan progress check and scroll to the very bottom where is „Okruhy předmětů Státní magisterské/Bakalářské zkoušky“.

It is not a condition, but rather a nice gesture. Wines, chocolates, flowers or other small things are most often given. In case You prepare something like this (or prepare it as a group), then handing it over is appropriate when the results are announced at the end.

The refreshments for the evaluation committee are provided by the faculty, so there is no need to resolve anything in this regard. Concentrate on preparing for the state exam.

A formal dress code is expected.


Before the enrollment (in the application) or during your studies you are choosing from the offer of specializations for your study program. The list of specializations, which you can choose from, can be found in your study plan in the UIS → Student´s portal → plan progress check.

The study of the specialization is completed by passing the state exam for the given specialization.

During the period given by the faculty’s schedule you submit the Application for the assignment of a specialization or scope in the Contact centre. This applies only to bachelor’s students of Economics and management. Students of programs Open informatics do not choose any specialization – they study courses from their given scope.

After completing courses from your specialization you fulfill your specialization – you can check it in plan progress check in Student’s portal. If you do not submit an application, you will be assigned a specialization chosen by the fewest students.

Change of the programme/specialization/scope

Within one study programme, you are only allowed to change your study specialization (or the scope). If you seek a different study programme, then you have to go through a new admission procedure. In case the next study programme will include courses that you have already studied, then you can submit the Application for recognition of the courses (instruction how to fill out the form can be found here).

The change can only be made if there is still a free capacity in the specialization you are applying for. The same applies for the scope on the bachelor’s study program Economics and Management. You can submit the Request to change the specialization (instructions on how to fill out this form can be found here).

Change of form of the studies

The main difference is that the student during the full-time studies attends all the compulsory classes on the weekdays and has a status of a student. Therefore he studies “full-time”. On the other hand, a student from a part-time form of studies does study in blocks once every 14 days, namely on Fridays and Saturdays according to a predetermined schedule. Part-time form of studies makes it possible to combine study and work.

If your study program/field of study/specialization offers both forms of study and if it is carried out in the period in which you started your studies, you can submit the Request to change the form of study (instructions how to fill out the form can be found here). It is important to submit this request at the latest before the beginning of the study semester from which you want to have a changed form of study.

The premature termination of studies

Fill out the form Declaration on dropping out of my studies (instructions how to fill out the form can be found here) and deliver in person, by post or data box to the Study department. The day of termination is the day when the statement arrived at the study department. It is not possible to end the study retroactively to the selected day. After completing the Declaration, you will receive a written decision on the completion of your studies by post, together with a confirmation of the duration of your studies.

Till the date of delivery of the statement on leaving the studies to the study department.

If you end your studies early, you will irrevocably lose your student status and with it all the benefits that students under the age of 26 receive from this status.

Yes, you can. The reasons for the early termination of studies by the faculty are for example: not meeting the conditions for the enrollment to the next semester, not completed enrollment, running out of dates for the final exam.

After the end of the period of enrollments you will receive in the Document storage a call for comments on the basis of the decision on exclusion from studies, to which you will have the opportunity to respond in writing 7 days after it is placed in the UIS.

In case you do not respond to this call or you will not state any circumstances that could stop or change the process of termination of studies, the dean will issue a written decision on termination of your studies (it will arrive to you by registered post and will also be placed in the Document storage in UIS). You can appeal this decision in writing within 30 days. After the decision becomes legal, your studies will be terminated and you will lose your student status.

Yes, still do have the status of a “student”. Therefore even in this period you may be charged a fee for exceeding the standard period of study increased by one year.

IT matters

The password reset to UIS can be made directly on the login page to UIS –

It is necessary to have a password reset question defined, as requested in the video about UIS on the first day of study.

In case you do not have the control question and therefore you are not able to reset the password, turn to the faculty system integrators.

  1. Are You sure, you are logging in here? Try it again here.
  2. Does not work? Generate a new password here and then log in to the link from point 1.
  3. Does the log-in name really start with a: 10…..Yes?
  4. Copy or rewrite the password somewhere, where you can see if you got the characters correctly. Pay attention to the space at the end or beginning.
  5. The problem is not solved? Contact the system integrator.

Changing the password for the practice administrator is performed by the system integrator based on the request – the e-mail of the practice portal administrator (e-mail must be registered by the given person). It is not possible to generate a new password for the representative. Password must be reset within 24 hours after the renewal.

If the practice portal administrator no longer works in the given company and it is necessary to add a new practice administrator, the new administrator must send an e-mail to the system integrator with the data for its establishment. These are name, surname, position of the administrator in the company, date of birth, company e-mail of the new administrator.

The instructions and support are available on the web

Other study matters

You can submit the Request for a course recognition from your previous or current study based on the relevance of the syllabi of the studied courses or language certificates and etc. (the instructions how to fill out the form can be found here). The courses can be recognized, if no more than 5 years have passed since the completion of the studied subject. Courses are recognized on the basis of matching study outcomes, so do not be afraid to submit the request, even though the names of the courses do not match completely.

The credits from the recognized courses do not count towards the credits which are required for a progress to the next semester, they do only count to the total number of credits.

Attendance at classes can only be excused due to the illness on the basis of an excuse from a doctor, or possibly from other reasons for e.g. university representation.

In case you are being sick, ask for an excuse from the doctor. Afterwards scan it and send it to the study department, where you will ask your study officer for uploading the excuse to the UIS. If you do exceed the number of absences determined by the syllabi, you are in danger of not finishing the course, so do not put off submitting the excuses.

In case of long-term sicknesses (or other reason you will not be able to attend the classes) we recommend you to contact your professors and ask the possibility of alternative attendance of classes, which you missed out due to your sickness. Or contact your study officer, who will offer you a possibility how to handle such situation.

The interruption of studies is always for a given period of time, usually for one semester. It is required to submit the Request an interruption of studies and meet the condition for the enrollment to the next semester (the instructions how to fill out the form can be found here). If you did not meet this condition, then your request is assessed on the basis of documented objective reasons for interrupting your studies.

The electronical confirmation can be obtained in the UIS → Student’s portal → Study confirmation. You can find it also anytime during the semester in the Documents storage, if you generated it already during the semester. As for the printed versions, you have to print them and bring them to the study department for the confirmation. The electronical version has the same legal force as the printed one (= no one can decline it), but if you print it out – then it loses the legal force, because the certificate is saved in the pdf file.

In the UIS → Student’s portal → Orders – there you can purchase the ISIC extension (revalidation of the card). The payment is carried out through the UIS → Student’s portal → Study financing. And when the study officer let’s you know, then you just go to the Study department for a new sticker.

Stratos is not a thing, but a name of your university system integrator.

The course, which has to be completed before the enrollment of other course. You will find it in the syllabi (e.g. Mathematics 1 is a prerequisite of a course Mathematics 2).

They suit the purpose as a feedback to the courses, which You studied. They open during the examination period and when you fill out at least 75% of evaluations, then you gain the benefits for the calculating the opening time of your registration for the semester a year later. It is definitely worth filling them out.

Study guide

If you need help with anything, or to solve something, turn on the Study guide.

They are students just as you are, moreover they are familiar with the faculty and university internal regulations and also have good contacts, so they can spread their network across the entire faculty. They are using their gained knowledge and experiences right for the purpose of helping you, offering you a solution to your difficult situation or answering you to any questions regarding the studies.

Their huge advantage is that any task they are dealing with is anonymized. This is especially advantageous when you have a bigger problem and you would like to make an official complaint.

How can you contact a Study guide?

Study guides primary use the online communication. Therefore you can reach them on e-mail address or via the Facebook page, which they are using together with student senators of FBE MENDELU.

You can make an appointment with them or catch them in the university hall. They will be happy to attend to you in any situation.

Other possibility is the box for questions, which is located opposite the FBE gatehouse. It is primary intended for student initiatives. The box is selected once a week. Everything is investigated, being solved, or delivered to a competent person and a solution is ensured.

Study guides

Study guide
Šimon Balga
Student of the programme Management obchodu a služeb.
Study guide
Julie Pražáková
Student of the programme Ekonomická informatika.